package com.doc.jersey.parser; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.doc.jersey.content.ClassContent; import com.doc.jersey.content.EmptyContent; import com.doc.jersey.content.MethodContent; import com.doc.jersey.content.ParameterContent; /** * Method check annotation * * @author Deisss * @version 0.1 */ public class MethodParser { /** * Parse a method to get annotation from * * @param method * @return The method content parsed */ public static MethodContent parse(Method method) { MethodContent mc = new MethodContent(); Annotation[] annotationMethodList = method.getDeclaredAnnotations(); boolean found = false; mc.setName(method.getName()); for(Annotation annotationMethod : annotationMethodList) { // HTTP Verb check if( annotationMethod instanceof GET || annotationMethod instanceof POST || annotationMethod instanceof PUT || annotationMethod instanceof DELETE || annotationMethod instanceof HEAD || annotationMethod instanceof OPTIONS ) { found = true; mc.setType(annotationMethod.annotationType().getName()); } // HTTP Verb check (another way) if(annotationMethod instanceof HttpMethod) { found = true; HttpMethod hm = (HttpMethod) annotationMethod; String value = hm.value(); if(value != null && !value.equals("")) { value = value.toUpperCase(); } mc.setType("" + value); } // Complete already parsed annotation if(BaseParser.complete(annotationMethod, mc)) { found = true; } } // With the return type, we try to check if it's a sub resource or not if(found) { /* * * PARSING INPUT TYPE(S) * */ Class<?>[] parameterList = method.getParameterTypes(); Annotation[][] annotationParameterList = method.getParameterAnnotations(); int parameterLength = parameterList.length; if(parameterLength > 0) { for(int i=0; i<parameterLength; ++i) { ParameterContent pctmp = ParameterParser.parse(parameterList[i], annotationParameterList[i]); if(pctmp != null) { mc.getInputList().add(pctmp); } } } /* * * PARSING RETURN TYPE * */ Class<?> rt = method.getReturnType(); // If it's not void type return, or not a basic "Response" type if(rt != null && !rt.equals(Void.TYPE)) { ClassContent cc = ClassParser.parse(rt); if(cc != null) { mc.setSubResource(true); mc.setOutput(cc); } else { EmptyContent ec = new EmptyContent(); ec.setName(rt.getName()); mc.setOutput(ec); } } } return found ? mc : null; } }